what is the difference between global health and international health


AspectGlobal HealthInternational Health
DefinitionFocuses on health issues, challenges,Primarily concerned with health
and solutions that transcend nationalconcerns and initiatives that
boundaries and impact populationsinvolve collaborations between
worldwide.nations or countries.
ScopeEncompasses a broader perspective,Has a narrower focus, often
addressing health on a global scale,concentrating on health issues
including global epidemics,specific to the interactions
pandemics, and health disparities.between nations.
ConcernsAddresses global health challenges suchDeals with health issues that
as infectious diseases, non-may arise due to international
communicable diseases, access totravel, trade, diplomacy, and
healthcare, and health equity.migration.
CollaborationsOften involves partnerships andInvolves collaborations, treaties,
collaborations among countries,and agreements between nations
international organizations, andto address specific health issues
NGOs to address global health issues.of mutual concern.
ApproachesUtilizes a holistic approach to globalFocuses on the healthcare aspects
health, addressing social determinantsthat pertain to interactions
and health systems strengthening.between countries, such as
health regulations, trade policies,
and disease control.
ExamplesEfforts to combat global epidemicsCollaborations to prevent the
like HIV/AIDS, Ebola, or COVID-19,spread of diseases across borders,
and initiatives to improve accesssuch as international vaccination
to clean water and sanitation.programs or border health checks

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