Aspect | Global Health | International Health |
Definition | Focuses on health issues, challenges, | Primarily concerned with health |
and solutions that transcend national | concerns and initiatives that | |
boundaries and impact populations | involve collaborations between | |
worldwide. | nations or countries. | |
Scope | Encompasses a broader perspective, | Has a narrower focus, often |
addressing health on a global scale, | concentrating on health issues | |
including global epidemics, | specific to the interactions | |
pandemics, and health disparities. | between nations. | |
Concerns | Addresses global health challenges such | Deals with health issues that |
as infectious diseases, non- | may arise due to international | |
communicable diseases, access to | travel, trade, diplomacy, and | |
healthcare, and health equity. | migration. | |
Collaborations | Often involves partnerships and | Involves collaborations, treaties, |
collaborations among countries, | and agreements between nations | |
international organizations, and | to address specific health issues | |
NGOs to address global health issues. | of mutual concern. | |
Approaches | Utilizes a holistic approach to global | Focuses on the healthcare aspects |
health, addressing social determinants | that pertain to interactions | |
and health systems strengthening. | between countries, such as | |
health regulations, trade policies, | ||
and disease control. | ||
Examples | Efforts to combat global epidemics | Collaborations to prevent the |
like HIV/AIDS, Ebola, or COVID-19, | spread of diseases across borders, | |
and initiatives to improve access | such as international vaccination | |
to clean water and sanitation. | programs or border health checks |